

I'm Confused

I have a feel now
Im happy but at the same time I feel so sad

Happy because I have a nice-good-excellent-perfect man
Happy because I have a gang of nice-good-excellent-perfect friends

Sad because I have a broken-cool-lonely-disappointed family

I always thinking about IF I HAVE A MORE NICER FAMILY
yeah , I know Im just thinking and dreaming
something good is , I still have a nice man and the gang of friends that love me so much

I really hate to be alone at home
do someone know the feel?
after school when I reach home ,there is non-of people
when I wake up from some crazy dream , I have like to share with someone , but there is non-of people
when I have bought some food there is so delicious to share with my family , there is non-of people
when there is a nice sunny Saturday like today to go out for shopping or maybe jogging with my family , but there is non-of people
when I have some SECRET to share with someone really close with me , but there is non-of people

sometimes , I thought the house I live is a HAUNTED HOUSE
someone told me ' home sweet home ' , I told the someone ' home cool home '
someone told me ' think positive ' , I told the someone ' negative wont leave me '

my friends say Im a pig , always sleep
yeah , Im a big-fat-piggy
If I dont sleep , then i will keep staying with lonely
so I better sleep , right ?

I always put my family at first but my family members are so so busy ,
they wont realize that still have me (whatever a younger sister)
well , this is the family that I love so much ?
yeah , I love this family , but I kinda hate this family
confused right ?

Im trying not to think so much
yeah , congratulation me
Im totally failed

Now, finally my sister at home ,
but she is sleeping and Im going to turn on the music louder and louder to wake her up
whatever if she scold me ><

well , I always been nothing to do
so I just listen to the music
and I found some music that I really like
just to share with all readers

If I had you - Adam Lambert
Need you - Travie Mccoy
Darkside of the sun - Tokio Hotel
If it's love - Train
Just a dream - Nelly
Superman - Joe brooks
This girl - Laza Morgan
Like a G6 - Far east movement
Take it off - Ke$ha

This post just by


The boy hearts me !

I told myself(or someone else)not to be couple for 2 years since that day I break up with my ex
but now ,
I couple again >< CRAZY man
dont know why
I cannot be single for a long time
maybe because my broken family ? or just because I hate lonely?

well, The boy alrd hearts me and become man

LOVE , JV (:

Perfect 18.10.10

yesterday I went out whole day with my friends
so so tired but so so happy
they are so funny
we talk all the joke in the car or whatever anywhere
I love them so much

First , we went to eat Dim Sum
their Dim Sum so nice (:

Then , we went to KP for bowling and pool
they are kinda good in bowling / pool
but Im poor
yeah , my first time

And then , we also went to Pyramid
we are hoping to skating at first
but they are training the children and we not allowed to get in
so , we just go to the cinema and see what movie to watch
but all of the movie we wanted to watch is 18X wan
we heard that the cinema is very strict
so we just decided to go to JJ for movie next time
in conclusion , we go Pyramid for nothing ><

Last , we went to the steamboat buffet that opposite to Pyramid
we really have fun at there

Nice guys !


Tag by Vii , just too boring and for fun =)

♥ 關於自己
01暱稱: MayMay
02生日: 950817
03 星座: Leo
04男or女: Female
05搵四個字形容自己: Happy , Crazy , Mad , Fun

♥ 關於友情
01覺得朋友重要嗎: Sure
02有被朋友背叛過嗎: Ya
03被背叛感覺是怎麼樣: Ntg.. still be myself
04跟朋友通常因為什麼事吵架: I dint argue with my friends

♥ 關於愛情
01友情和愛情哪樣重要: Friends complete my life
02目前 有男/女朋友嗎 : No
06如果沒有男/女友,有喜歡的人嗎: No
09如果有一天另一半突然離開: Not my fault
10分手的話會不會哭: No

♥ 關於親情
01家里有什麼人: parents , sister and brothers
02最喜歡哪個: mummy
03最討厭哪 個: No one , I love my family
04覺得自己的家好嗎: well...
06親情對你來說很重要嗎: Sure
07有兄弟姐妹的話吵架都是為了什麼事: I dont really argue with my family
09整個家 誰是最重要的那個: Daddy

♥ 自己
01耳洞: got lah ==
02染髮: No
03抽煙: No
04喝酒: yes , but seldom
05寵物: yes , but it was lost
06戀愛: yes , but now im single
07自殺: No
08自拍: Often
09網誌: http://maymayisme.blogspot.com
10紋身: No

01心目中的對象是誰: No
02如果你的家人跟你的另一半同時跌下海,你會先救谁: Family
03直到現在有 哪幾首歌,可以感動到你: Too more
06人生對你而言最重要的事情是什麼: Smile and Sleep
09如果還有來生,你要當男生還女生: Female
10未來有什麼計畫: PR !
14認識異性第一 眼會看什麼地方: Face
15有錢的話想包養誰: Puppy
16你願意花多少時間去等你所喜歡的人: I wont do that
17究竟是陪在身邊的人重要?還是心裡的人重要: someone accompany me
18假如你有一千萬,你最想拿來做什麼: shopping
19世界上最值得你留戀的是什麼: My family and friends
20什麼樣的異性最吸引你: looks like 古天乐
24你最喜歡做的事: Sleep
25你覺得自己哪裏最性感: Whole body ! hahaha
26如果身邊的朋友或另一半有人偷 吃,你會如何: Ntg.. still be myself
28近期最開心的事 情: Friends always be with me
30為什麼會愛上自己的情人: No why


I went to jaja house yesterday and I was really mad
her house is far by my house , but I still walk to there
actually we are going to do the revision
cause something happened , we just sang and sang and sang in the KTV room
and the next day
we guys really headache , feel like to vomit and jaja hurt her spine

The thing is ,
Im totally drunk and done something really shy
feel so sorry to someone and I dont know how to apologize
oh god , please help me ><


The Volley-Ball

Oh >< I love volley ball so so much
but I not really know how to play

today , me and my classmates play volley ball together
I just realize that volley ball is so FUN !
hoping to win the volley ball match
heehee =)


I loves my friends =)

Perfect Saturday at Jaja house !
I like her KTV room so much
the YAMAHA mike make sounds more wonderful , not like GreenBox >< hahaha
I should be over night at her house yesterday
but Im going to Sungei Wang today , so I cant over night at her house =(
promised you I will over night at your house next time
and 1 thing..
my phone is spoil
so I cant take picture
if not there should be more of funny picture =(

here's the old picture with you guys :

You all are really CRAZY friends
but I love it !
miss ya =)


SOS =)

Hey guys ,

Pls help me to like this --> http://www.facebook.com/1news?v=wall
and then like my
photo album --> http://www.facebook.com/1news#!/album.php?aid=245414&id=182591064695&ref=mf

Thank you =)
your help will be appreciated

I'm Happy =)

Graduation exam was past !
feel like the animal run off the zoo
but by the way , the UEC exam is coming ,
but Im not really going to hard working for this exam ><

For sure ,
most of the HinHua student will have entertainment after exam
so , I went to JJ for movie with Jaja Lim today

Nice movie =)

Legend Of The Fist - The Return Of Chen Zhen


Alpha and Omega

I have a new target : sleep for 24 hours !
I told my friends about my new target , and they say IM TOTALLY CRAZY ><